Retreat, Unwind and Relax with Soulful Journeys
Find your Zen at one of our carefully selected properties.
Find your Zen at one of our carefully selected properties.
Amanpuri is the ideal stepping-stone on your journey to self-discovery and self-improvement. Amanpuri’s Wellness Centre provides a range of adaptable wellbeing programmes tailored to meet personal goals. Offering Original Immersions lasting three nights or more, the Centre’s scope ranges from medically led therapies to holistic treatments designed to alleviate stress and lift the spirit.
From Australia to Hawaii, Doha and Dubai and throughout Asia, find the retreat for you. Are you are looking for clean eating, vegan dining, general delicious meal options and the option of a glass of wine?
Would you like to experience a water, sound or fire healing ceremonie, a sleep retreat, equine therapy or something else? Email us and we will help you find your Soulful Journey.
Since opening in New Zealand in 1986 and its arrival into Australia in 2007, House of Travel has grown into the largest independent travel company in Australasia. This means that by being a personal travel manager, not only do I have access to amazing travel deals that I can provide you, but you have the security that your money is secure during the booking process. Under no circumstances will TravelManagers accept cash payments, nor should payments be made to any other bank account, other than the TravelManagers client trust account (ANZ BSB: 012 172 | Account: 4967-59407). For details, please visit travelmanagers.com.au/peaceofmind.
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